Recollections of Land
The land is far more important than we are. To know it is to be young and ancient all at once.
— Hugh MacLennan (1907-90), writer


What we offer

Commissioned watercolour paintings, watercolour originals or high quality prints. Options are suited to your needs with ability to purchase artistic and reproduction rights on commissioned pieces. Artistic format might be varied, but they all come with the same promise of quality and dedication. 


Schedule Appointment

Let's discuss how your memories can be captured.


Recollections of Land

There is a profound attachment to the land rooted in the Canadian character. Farming is the single most important factor in the Canadian experience.
— Allan Anderson, broadcaster and oral historian, in 1977


About Geo

painting memories

Geo is an Canadian born artist with a decades long passion for recording the Canadian landscape and community landmarks. His paintings are meticulously crafted; Geo takes a detailed approach to painting, incorporating a number of different watercolour techniques. His love of painting started young, learning from his grandmother as a child and, later expanding his knowledge as an adult. 

Intrigued by the constant and irreversible changes occurring on the land over many years, Geo feels a need to record these changes for himself and his own recollections of the land.